Sales managers have a difficult relationship with luck.
They love it when it’s helping their teams, but they know how unreliable it is...
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Month: April 2015
Children Take More Risks Crossing Streets Than Parents Think
Children may cut things closer than their parents realize when it comes to guessing how far cars are from an intersection or how long it takes to safely reach the other side, a small study suggests...
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Your pain reliever may also be diminishing your joy: Acetaminophen (paracetamol) reduces both pain and pleasure, study finds
Researchers studying the commonly used pain reliever acetaminophen found it has a previously unknown side effect: It blunts positive emotions...
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Dodo bird verdict given new life by psychosis therapy study
A study by researchers at The University of Manchester and the University of Liverpool has examined the psychological treatment of more than 300 people suffering from psychosis, showing that, whatever the therapy, it is the relationship between the patient and therapist which either improves or damages wellbeing.
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The ‘resting’ brain may be less ‘noisy’ than we think
Researchers have found patterns of brain activity that occur during memory retrieval when the brain is in task mode match patterns that occur during rest and sleep...
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How the brain balances risk-taking and learning
If you had 10 chances to roll a die, would you rather be guaranteed to receive $5 for every roll ($50 total) or take the risk of winning $100 if you only roll a six?...
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Brain scans reveal how people ‘justify’ killing
A new study has thrown light on how people can become killers in certain situations, showing how brain activity varies according to whether or not killing is seen as justified...
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Could a dose of nature be just what the doctor ordered?
Exposure to the outdoors is linked with improved human health, but little is known about how much we really need
Numerous studies over the past 30 years have linked exposure to nature with improved human health and well-being. These findings are of growing importance: In the near future, 70% of the world's population will live in cities, where they will face a rising tide of lifestyle-related disease...
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God Can Help Companies Turn Customers Into Daredevils
A study by researchers from Stanford found that when the concept of the divine was used in advertising, consumers’ appetite for risk-taking increased...
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How Yoga is Similar to Existing Mental Health Therapies
The ancient Eastern practice of yoga combines mindfulness training with exercise (hence the term, “mind-body”). For years, practitioners all over the world have reported receiving mental and physical health benefits from yoga...
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