Maintaining pleasure after a great vacation is a challenge, but there are vacation-extending tactics that can help...
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Author: MMMatt
Analysis finds 23% of children are victims of cyberbullying
A review of 36 studies looking at online harassment and bullying among children finds evidence of a strong link between cyberbullying and depression, with girls being most at risk...
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Children with good memories are better liars, research shows
Children who benefit from a good memory are much better at covering up lies, researchers from the University of Sheffield have discovered...
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Two in Five New Dads Concerned About Mental Health Problems
Parenting charity NCT wants to raise awareness of perinatal depression among fathers and encourage men to speak out and get help. Around two in five of new fathers are concerned about their mental health, according to a survey, which highlights that it is not just mothers whose wellbeing is at risk after having a child...
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Yes, Androids Do Dream of Electric Sheep
Google sets up feedback loop in its image recognition neural network - which looks for patterns in pictures - creating hallucinatory images of animals, buildings and landscapes which veer from beautiful to terrifying. What do machines dream of? New images released by Google give us one potential answer: hypnotic landscapes of buildings, fountains and bridges merging into one...
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Individuals with social phobia have too much serotonin
Previous studies have led researchers to believe that individuals with social anxiety disorder/social phobia have too low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin...
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Recalling positive memories reverses stress-induced depression
In a remarkable demonstration of the curative power of memory, published in Nature, scientists have established that artificial reactivation of memories stored during a positive experience can suppress the effects of stress-induced depression...
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Talking therapy shows promise for people with chronic low back pain
New research from Royal Holloway, University of London has found that a new form of talking therapy is a credible and promising treatment for people with chronic low back pain who are also suffering from related psychological stress...
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How we see the future can make us depressed today
30A pessimistic view of the future may not be the result of depression but the cause of it...
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10 Tips to Make Therapy Work for You
There's plently of research evidence out there that shows that therapy can help people. But we also know that it helps some people more than others. Just why that's so is a complex question that I can't explore thoroughly here. But I can say that a lot of research indicates that two of the most significant factors in effective therapy are the quality of your connection with your therapist and your own contribution to the work...
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